My Work

Terra Sigillata with Reduction Glaze (2021)

In reduction, I wanted to make carbon monoxide (CO) which would react with the colorants especially iron in the clay and bring about colour changes in the glazes. For reduction firing, I first made pots with local clay and fired them. I applied white slip ball clay on one of my works and red slip on the other. I applied iron oxide glaze on bisque wares and loaded them in gas kiln. I baked them to 900oC and reduced the gas to decrease the temperature. Simultaneously, I covered the chimney and made smoke inside the kiln.

Terra Sigillata with Reduction Glaze
Terra Sigillata with Reduction Glaze
Terra Sigillata with Reduction Glaze
Terra Sigillata with Reduction Glaze
Terra Sigillata with Reduction Glaze