My Work

Slip and Engobe (2020)

A slip is a suspension of clay and water. It is an opaque coating that can be applied on greenware and also thinly on bisque ware. The slip changes the surface of the piece and if applied thick and creamy, it can make a different texture. It is possible to make different coloured slips and change the surface if there is the same coefficient of expansion and contraction as the clay body. One of the easiest and cheapest colours is iron oxide which is added in different amounts to my works.
Engobe is one of the most misused terms in pottery. It is basically a surface coating that is applied to change the colour or the material on the surface. It’s halfway between a glaze and a slip, so it consists of clay and a flux, and also some colorants. I use iron oxide as a colorant.
I made pots with Kanpur clay which native potters use, applied slip and engobe and baked them to 850oC to 900oC.

Slip, Engobe and Terra Sigillata
Slip, Engobe and Terra Sigillata
Slip, Engobe and Terra Sigillata
Slip, Engobe and Terra Sigillata
Slip, Engobe and Terra Sigillata