My Work

Kurdish Mug (2007)

As an undergraduate student, I had the chance to have a very good teacher named Mr. Omid Ghajarian. He was our Ceramic and Traditional Art teacher. I learnt a lot from him. Once he asked us to make a mug based on our ethnicity or culture. Although it sounded easy, it turned out to be rather difficult as I realized I didn’t have enough knowledge about the Kurds. I read all the books related to Kurdistan available at the university library. I studied extensively on Kurdish native crafts and arts such as carpet, textile, embroidery, basket, shoes, clothes, etc., and even dance and music. After almost three months I decided to make a mug inspired by a horse hoof. For me, a horse hoof is a symbol of agility, power, resistance, and persistence.
The mug was made followed by a mould of the same and a few more mugs were replicated using earthenware clay. After baking them to 950oC, I used different glazes for them.
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug
Kurdish Mug