My Work

Hanar Pomegranate (2015)

Pomegranate is a symbol of fertility across nations. In Kurdistan, it is considered to be one of the most sacred fruits by the Kurdish people. Baba Yadegar was one of the holy leaders of the Yarsan religion in Kurdistan. His mother was a virgin, and she conceived him by eating a holy seed of pomegranate.
I made a mould of a natural pomegranate and reproduced many ceramic pomegranates with white earthenware clay. They were applied with different glazes such as crawling, crazing or crackle, runny, reduction, oxidation, raku etc. and baked in different kilns and atmospheres. In 2015, I got ‘The Award of Excellence for Handicrafts National Programme, Iran’ for these works.

Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate
Hanar Prmogranate